3 min readOct 27, 2021


Who and What are Fascists

Fascists are talentless and witless megalomaniacs who are incapable of comprehending what civil society is or why there are laws.

But as humans they are constrained by the same physical limitations nature imposes on us.

And one of the 1st things all of us observe is inequality:

But as megalomaniacs they believe that they deserve to be above others so their efforts and energies are focused on finding some way of bringing their new desired status into being. And in the USA there is no more effective means than “go with the flow” anti-government action; join the group, for individual freedom.

Consequently, they have no regard for The Rules of any existing social order, which they ignore as part of their reform. A comment by Mr. Hole of Leeds, is apropos:

“It is natural that Reformers who are actively engaged in the work of demolition, should feel little interest in that of construction. To secure an immunity from those evils which human ignorance and passion, clothed with irresponsible power, have inflicted upon Society”.

So their Great Work, is easy to hide or disguise under the auspices of electoral democracy particularly in the USA where each State has been rendered into a separate independent sovereign nation and each county and local government within are autonomous, which makes it easier to dupe the unsophisticated masses corralled into legislative and judicial bailiwicks, with no adverse consequences.

In this regard, electoral democracy is not only the birth parents of American Fascism but it’s guardian.

Since 1933, through the “Council of State Governments” [CSG], their “National Legislative Conference” and the “Conference of Chief Justices of state supreme courts” {CCJ], the Barry Goldwater Rehnquist-Burger social revolution was brought into being through the Federal and state Judicial systems with the singular goal of reversing the evolution of Federal Civil Rights under the auspices of the 14th A. US Const., and anti-Klan acts which they extend to other Traditional American Values, namely Patriarchy, Homophobia and the establishment of a new Tory effigy — the anti-fascists.

When Fascists are individually cornered their defense is either there is no evidence or we know what the problems are where are your solutions.

The 1st problem is them, but what do you do with them? Shoot them? Imprison them? Send them into outer space?

The 2nd problem is the belief that electoral democracy solves anything other than a means to determine who occupies an office.

Who Do You Trust?

Logically, electoral democracy comes down to one question, Who Do You Trust?

But is that the actual reality of it? I receive adverts stuffed into my mail box: vote for this guy they’re your choice for local office. But I have no idea who any of these people are; and I have no more Juice at local government than I do at state or Federal government. In short I receive nothing from any of these people and yet if I don’t pay them their Leader will sell my property. What sort of ethos does that create?

I actually had a former mayor tell me “we’re the government, we tell you what to do”. So we vote for Fascists.

And the only way you get to know any of these people, enough to make any sort of Judgment regarding Trustworthiness, is if you’re a lawyer representing some corporation that will guarantees jobs: because the valuable consideration for such agreement is, or who the actual beneficiaries are, will never be disclosed.

So even if Who Do You Trust was the actual standard to determine who should occupy a government office there is no criteria provided to make that determination.

The Demilitarized Zone

Are lawyers representing the government. Here again, you are forced to pay lawyers — the State AG and the various local DAs, who defend governmental action against you, instead of them protecting you against arbitrary governmental action: which is where annihilation of the 14th A. U.S. Const. comes into play and the witless and talentless Fascists holding Federal offices that prevent anyone else that remembers that the 14th A. exists to enact further legislation under §5.




As Long as There's Love, There's Magic. Progressive Communist from